Vía Más que accesibilidad me entero de otra interesante iniciativa de Opera y Yahoo: Opera Web Standads Curriculum.
Opera Web Standads Curriculum es un curso completo que nos ayuda a desarrollar sitios web basados en estándares (HTML, CSS), normas básicas de diseño y conceptos básicos sobre javascript.
En total estará compuesto de 30 artículos, actualmente ya hay 23 artículos y el último está planeado que aparezca en Septiembre.
C&P la tabla de contenidos:
Table of contents
Note that currently only the first 21 articles of the curriculum are published, but more will follow in coming weeks, so stay tuned!
The beginning
- 1. Introductory material, by Chris Mills—This is the one you’re reading.
Introduction to the world of web standards
- 2. The history of the Internet and the web, and the evolution of web standards, by Mark Norman Francis.
- 3. How does the Internet work?, by Jonathan Lane.
- 4. The Web standards model—HTML, CSS and JavaScript, by Jonathan Lane
- 5. Beautiful dream, but what’s the reality?, by Jonathan Lane.
Web Design Concepts
This section won’t go into any code or markup details, and will act as an introduction to the design process before you start to create any graphics or code, as well as concepts of web design such as IA, navigation, usability etc.
- 6. Information Architecture—planning out a web site, by Jonathan Lane.
- 7. What does a good web page need?, by Mark Norman Francis.
- 8. Colour Theory, by Linda Goin.
- 9. Building up a site wireframe, by Linda Goin.
- 10. Colour schemes and design mockups, by Linda Goin.
- 11. Typography on the web, by Paul Haine.
HTML basics
- 12. The basics of HTML, by Mark Norman Francis.
- 13. The HTML <head> element, by Christian Heilmann.
- 14. Choosing the right doctype for your HTML documents, by Roger Johansson.
The HTML body
- 15. Marking up textual content in HTML, by Mark Norman Francis.
- 16. HTML Lists, by Ben Buchanan.
- 17. Images in HTML, by Christian Heilmann.
- 18. HTML links—let’s build a web! by Christian Heilmann.
- 19. HTML Tables, by Jen Hanen.
- 20. HTML Forms—the basics, by Jen Hanen.
- 21. Lesser–known semantic elements, by Mark Norman Francis.
- More HTML articles to follow…
Supplementary articles
- Getting your content online, by Craig Grannell.
- More about the document <head>, by Chris Heilmann.